Friday, December 19, 2008

A Time for Peace

I hope that in this troubled economy. That we all take a minute and think about the true meaning of Christmas. Maybe this is our chance to teach our children that it isn't all about
"who gets the most".
With so much violence in the world. Perhaps while you are out this weekend. Try to do something nice for someone. Hold a door, smile,throw some change in donation box,give up a parking spot. You could clean out your pantry and donate those unused canned goods or go to the local animal shelter and offer to walk a dog. Afterwards you will feel like you've changed the world. Every tiny bit of kindness counts!

1 comment:

Times of old creations said...

Britt I love your message in this post! Your message is so heart felt and sent such a wonderful message to everyone! That is what the world needs is good, thoughtful messages in our blogs about the message of Christmas and putting the meaning back into Christmas and its purpose! Thank you for doing that. The beginning song on m blog was to put perspective into the meaning of people and sharing our love for others! It may not be as clear as your message but I love the straight forard message you had! Happy Holdays to you and your family! Your primitive sister! Love ya! Deb